by Spectrum Chinese Medicine
Let’s start with the facts. Transgender, nonbinary, and transmasculine people with uteruses can and do get pregnant. They also complete egg transfers for reciprocal IVF or embryo transfers to a Gestational Surrogate or partner. Recent research confirms what trans,…
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by Spectrum Chinese Medicine
If you’re reading this, you already know that Transgender, Non-binary, Genderqueer, and Two Spirit people have too few options for affirming healthcare, even in big cities like New York, Brooklyn, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and Philadelphia, PA. The experiences of…
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by Spectrum Chinese Medicine
It’s hard to describe or truly understand what unfolds after 10 months of pregnancy (for yourself, your partner, or gestational carrier) until it’s happened for you. Some of us wait years for fertility treatments to succeed or for the adoption or foster care agency to…
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by Spectrum Chinese Medicine
Chestfeeding is demanding. It can kick-up body dysmorphia or discomfort for many, and especially for gender non-conforming folks. Dominant culture offers mostly gender essentialist, shaming messages that negatively impact even cis-het chestfeeding people. Leaving…
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by Spectrum Chinese Medicine
There are a lot of nods to postpartum depression and anxiety out there, but not a lot of explorations as to why. And why so many new parents experience postpartum depression and anxiety. We’re going to explore that question, set the record straight about what…
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