How To Safely Give Your Kids Immune Support Herbs
With every sniffle and cough taking on new gravity and lost working hours (and sanity) for parents, keeping our kids healthy is a higher priority than ever before. These days, it’s not just about your kids’ health and the importance of attending (pre)school for their…

Supporting Toddlers With Sensory Processing Disorder: What About Interoception?
You might already have a good handle on your toddler’s sensory processing capacities as they relate to the commonly-known five senses of touch, taste, sound, seeing, and smell. You’ve adjusted their environment, talked to their teachers, and found them professional…

How To Identify Sensory Processing Disorder in Toddlers: A Holistic Pediatric Perspective
Your toddler’s brain processes seven (not five!) senses. A lot of parents mistake their toddler’s sensory processing issues with behavioral choices. You might blame yourself or feel guilty about how frustrated you feel. You may think that your parenting style (too…

Gender Neutral Parental Names 101: A Guide For Uncle Bob, the PTA, or Your Local “Mom’s” Group
It’s exhausting to deal with family members, colleagues, or your kid’s teachers who fumble-about with your parental name or pronouns. Don’t you wish you had an article to send to them before that parent-teacher conference, that holiday visit back home, or any…

How To Naturally Treat Your Teen’s Depression Without Antidepressants: A Holistic Pediatric Approach
Your child just isn’t themself. Depression in teens can manifest in surprising ways. It’s not just a lack of motivation, sleeping a lot, fatigue, social withdrawal, and not showing interest in activities that they used to love. There are other depression…

Why Considering SSRI Alternatives For Your LGBTQ Child Or Teen Is Important
LGBTQ youth experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide than their straight peers. A 2018 study examining mental health differences between siblings showed that the LGB sibling was significantly more likely to be in treatment for a mood disorder and…

Anxiety In Kids: Natural Anxiety Relief Using Holistic Pediatrics
Anxiety can really take a toll on your child or teen. You may have tried supplements, talk therapy, fidgets, an herbal tincture or two, therapy, or increased exercise. But nothing seems to work. Your kid still expresses frequent fears. They are nervous to go to school…

Using ADHD Natural Remedies For Kids: A Close-up On Sugar and Herbs
Getting an ADHD diagnosis for your child or teen can feel like both a relief and another difficult crossroads. You know that your child isn’t broken like getting a diagnosis might imply. In fact having ADHD gives them some pretty amazing superpowers like lots of…

What is Holistic Pediatrics and When It’s Time To Find It
I love this question. Why? It means you’re asking a necessary and productive question on your way to finding health and healing for your child or teen. This question might have been spurred by not getting the care your child deserves from their pediatrician. It might…

How To Find High-Quality Holistic Pediatric Care For Your Child Or Teen
Sitting down to write this I recall the many parent stories of being dismissed (or even ignored!) by their pediatrician or the after-hours line when they needed them most. Being made to feel hypervigilant or “crazy” for asking for help when your kid’s behavior is…
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