Chinese Herbs For Fertility (And Your Mental Health): Fertility For People With Uteruses
Holistic Fertility practitioners know that the mind and body are not separate. And that in order to regulate your cycle, build your lining, improve your egg quality, and ultimately increase your chances of carrying a healthy baby to term, ALL of you is important….

Safer Immunization with Holistic Pediatrics: Vaccinating Infants, Babies, and Young Children
With the rise of vaccination in the public imagination, there’s more talk than ever about vaccines, safety, risk, and public health benefits. The topic of vaccination is both in your feeds and on your minds. Yet, evidence-based information about how to prepare…

Queer Parenting: Where LGBTQ and Same-Sex Families Can Find Supportive Content
Research over the last decade or so has given us a glimpse into who in the LGBTQ community is having kids, how we’re building our families, where we live, how many kids we have on average, and other some-such demographic data. If you’re an LGBTQ family nerd like…

Baby-Bonding for Non-Gestational Parents: How You’re Ahead Of The Curve And Don’t Even Know It
We (LGBTQIA-2+ folks) create our families in a plethora of ways: surrogacy, adoption, egg donation, sperm donation, fostering, and blended families of choice. There are all kinds of styles, each with its beauty and it’s challenges. With all of this variety, you may…

What is Safe Detox For Kids? Pediatric Detox Without The Side Effects
I hear this question a lot from parents. You know that there are so many toxins in our environment. So much plastic. So many food additives whose long-term impacts we know very little about. Lawn chemicals. Air pollution. Many of them are unavoidable. So, the question…

Can Trans Men Get Pregnant? How Long It Takes To Get Pregnant After Testosterone
Let’s start with the facts. Transgender, nonbinary, and transmasculine people with uteruses can and do get pregnant. They also complete egg transfers for reciprocal IVF or embryo transfers to a Gestational Surrogate or partner. Recent research confirms what trans,…

Finding Gender-Affirming Care and Treatment Options Near You
If you’re reading this, you already know that Transgender, Non-binary, Genderqueer, and Two Spirit people have too few options for affirming healthcare, even in big cities like New York, Brooklyn, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and Philadelphia, PA. The experiences of…

What is Acu-phototherapy?
It’s hard to describe or truly understand what unfolds after 10 months of pregnancy (for yourself, your partner, or gestational carrier) until it’s happened for you. Some of us wait years for fertility treatments to succeed or for the adoption or foster care agency to…

How to Increase Milk Supply: Herbs and Foods For Increasing Your Breastmilk / Bodymilk
Chestfeeding is demanding. It can kick-up body dysmorphia or discomfort for many, and especially for gender non-conforming folks. Dominant culture offers mostly gender essentialist, shaming messages that negatively impact even cis-het chestfeeding people. Leaving…

How Chinese Medicine is Queer Medicine
You might be wondering if this is just the musings of a Queer acupuncturist nerd hell-bent on serving her LGBTQ-2+ community. You’re not wrong, but also, this idea comes directly from Chinese Medicine School day one. Chinese Medicine Is (built on a) Non-Binary…
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